When purchasing a walk-in cooler, businesses must decide whether to choose one with swinging doors or one with sliding doors. Each type of cooler has advantages and disadvantages depending upon its industry and intended use.
Swinging Doors
Swinging doors are ideal for businesses with frequent use by personnel and hand-truck traffic where environmental control is necessary, such as stores that receive frequent deliveries. Swinging doors can be suitable for interior and exterior applications, and they can easily be custom-created to fit the customer’s needs.
Sliding Doors
Horizontal sliding doors are built to withstand frequent use and abuse. They are available in a variety of designs and styles, from manual and motor-operated to single and double doors. They must be strong, durable, and made of quality materials in order to survive constant opening and closing. Sliding doors that aren’t made with heavy-duty framework and track systems tend to have shorter lifespans and functional issues. Low-quality doors often need to have sealing surfaces and gaskets replaced due to the impact of frequent opening and closing; the best quality sliding doors should have hold devices to prevent manually operated doors from bouncing back open. Walk-in coolers with low-quality doors often experience problems with air infiltration and moisture problems.
Businesses interested in purchasing a walk-in cooler should contact their local dealer in order to determine which option is right for their application.
Thanks to Tracy1 for the photo.